Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week two!

Lectures, challenges, exercises, and practice sessions, I love this studying thing! at least that's what I'm saying now while the work load is still rather small! :)
We've had several exercises/assignments this week, we had to take pictures of specific objects, or pictures in specific settings, first focus being depth of field.

Next we had to experiment with wide angle shots and telephoto close ups to see how the pictures told different stories.
Wide angle shots tell a story about the person and their surroundings and are primarily used in photojournalism. 

Telephoto lens shots speak more about the person and fade the background out.

Our next task was "No Chimping". In other words we had to turn off our auto-review and take pictures without looking at the LCD screen and without knowing what they came out like. This is part of getting to know our cameras and trust the settings we've learnt to always give us a certain look to our pictures.

That's all for this week and now we have term break! and yes I know it's only our second week of uni and we're getting a break!? why!? cause we're just cool like that! :)
So after the break I will post the pictures of my Holiday assignment.
Enjoy your holidays!

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