Tuesday, November 8, 2011

 our class has had several creativity exercises over the last few months and these are some of our end results.

 We had to depict an Inuit that uses reindeer antlers as his internet antenna. We had to do all of it in studio and without any knowledge of the topic before class that day. We submitted an image that another girl photoshopped. I just wanted to try my hand at a complex photoshop task, so this is my version.

This one was recreating an underwater image that we found online. All of this was done in studio except for a texture that I just added 5 minutes ago to add flecks of stuff in the water. Props to Carl for the amazing lens flare!

We had to create an advertisement for insurance. 

We were supposed to be practicing lighting... but we were playing instead :D

There will be more to come!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


So about two months ago one of our tutors encouraged us to enter into Canon's student competition. How ever most of us were so busy for our course requirements that we didn't have time to even think about shooting for it. This week she asked me if I was going to submit something, to be honest I'd almost forgotten about it. I decided to see if I had any pictures that would work and found the required 4 images from one of the shoots I'd done last month. So I edited them last night and today after school and here are my final images, I hope you like them. :D

I would like to thank my amazing model for giving me so many amazing shots!! Ellie you're a rockstar!! :D

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Studio time

Playtime in the studio:


Here we had an exercise to create three adds for three different products. We had 2 hours, here's what we came up with:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st Semester Mini Portfolio

For our 1st Semester final we had to produce a 19 picture mini portfolio.
They had specific genres and criteria for the final pictures.

Here is my documentary series depicting "A long distance relationship":

Next was three pictures of an event, these are friends of mine that just got engaged.

These are for photojournalism, two news shots and two sport shots.

And finally two portraits, at least one had to be of someone you didn't know.

And with that I'm done with my first semester at Polytech. :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

So it's been awhile since I've been here, the last couple weeks have been rather busy and I finally have a moment to edit pictures. 

Learning photojournalism shots:
Magazine shot 
Fashion school at Polytech

We had to make an idealistic self-portrait, here were some of my second choices:

And here is my final image:

Experimenting with fill flash:

Posing with a chair:

Random shots I've taken lately: