Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 4

Our first task this week was learning light metering and how to control shadows. Part of it was learning silhouettes and low/high key images. 

Our next task was 6 pictures on one angle of Modernism, I chose New Vision. New Vision is essentially experimenting with new angles and perspectives. 

I can't at this moment find the 6th picture that I used for the assignment, so for now I will just stick with this. 
See you next week :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter break and week 3

So our Easter break assignment was six pictures that describe us/explain our lives. So here are my 6:
Ballroom/Salsa dancing
Quality time with family
Adventures with friends
Worship at church/Music
This water is me! Calm, peaceful and still, while still being crazy and adventurous!

That is my life in a very small nutshell!
These next ones are some from various exercises throughout the week.
Motion blur
Motion blur
Continuous focus with a subject in forward motion

Framed portrait shot

Lateral motion, single point focus combined with panning.

Decisive moment ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
 "It's ok to be a dreamer"

And that is the end of week 3, stay tuned for more live updates! ;)